Audi Q3: Installation Instructions, Run-Flat Tires
Warm up cold tires to the minimum mounting temperature
This applies also to ultra high performance tires
(height-/width ration smaller/same 45% and speed rating symbol
larger than/same as V).
The minimum mounting temperature for a tire may not
be below 21℃ or above 30℃.
- For injury-free mounting, the upper sidewall and the upper
bead inside must be minimum 15º C (59º F).
- The internal temperature is called the core temperature.
- Rubber is a poor heat conductor, and for this reason, a cold
tire must be within a temperature-controlled environment for a
sufficient amount of time until the inner rubber layers have
warmed up to at least 21ºC (70ºF).
- The tire surface temperature during the warm-up phase is not
a measure the inside temperature.
- So that the cold tires warm up as quickly as possible, never
stack them one on top of the other; store them separated from
each other so that the warm air can "circulate" around them.
- Never us a room heater or a hot air gun to warm up tires
because the surface temperature will heat up very quickly to a
critical temperature.
- To prevent damage, only warm water or warm air (maximum 50º
C (32º F) (122º F) ) can be used to warm up a tire!
- If cold tires (below 0º C (32º F) ) are brought into a warm
room (above 0º C (32º F) ), a layer of ice will start to form on
the tires. This layer of ice means that humidity in the warm air
is condensing on the tire.
- Once the layer of ice starts to melt, wipe up the water with
a rag so that the warming up process will not be slowed down.
Warm-Up Time:
- Using the example of a room temperature of at least 19º C
(66º F) and a tire temperature of 0º C (32º F) or higher, the
tires should be stored for at least two hours at least 19º C
(66º F).
- If the room temperature is minimum 19º C (66º F) and the
tire temperature is below 0º C (32º F) , then the tires should
be stored for at least 2.5 hours at a minimum room temperature
of 19º C (66º F).
- If possible, let the tires stand in the workshop for one day
before mounting them.
- Store the tires as high as possible on an insulated surface,
pallet or something similar.
- Position the tires so that they can be "surrounded" by the
warm air.
- Wipe off the sweat.
- Never heat the tires with a room heater or a hot air gun!
The minimum mounting temperature for a tire may not
be below 21ºC (70ºF) or above 30℃. (86 ºF)
Pressing Off Tires, Run-Flat Tires
- Release air from tires, unscrew the valve insert to do so.
- Be careful not to scratch off the glued- on wheel trim on
these rims.
- The surface of the wheel trim is very sensitive.
- The rim will have be replaced if the wheel trim is damaged.
- The wheel trim cannot be replaced.
- When pressing off tire on a tire dismounting/mounting
machine with press-off blade, always make sure that tire
valve/tire pressure sensor -arrow-
is located opposite the press-off blade
Press-off blade must be applied at maximum 2 cm removed from
rim flange.
- Remove balancing weights and coarse dirt from disc wheel.
- Press off both tire beads around circumference while
thoroughly applying tire mounting paste between tire and rim
flange -arrow-.
Be careful not to scratch off the glued- on wheel trim on
these rims.
The surface of the wheel trim is very sensitive.
The rim will have be replaced if the wheel trim is damage
It is mandatory for run-flat tires to have a tire
pressure monitoring system in the vehicle.
- Coat rim flanges, tire beads and inside of upper tire beads
thoroughly with
The valve insert must be replaced with every tire change.
Metal valve and wheel electronics can be reused.
- Let air out of tire by removing the valve insert.
Be careful not
Information Electronics Control Module 1 -J794-
1 - Not Assigned
2 - 4-Pin Connector -T4u- to the External Audio Source
Connection -R199-/Internet Access Control Module - J666-
3 - 4-Pin Connector -T4al- to the Front Information Display
Driver Assistance Systems Front Camera Component Location Overview
1 - Retaining Plate
There are different versions. Refer to the Parts Catalog.
With heated windshield
Cannot be separated from the windshield
2 - Retaining Clips
Replace after every removal